SEPAWA e.V. in Portrait
With around 1,700 members, SEPAWA e.V. is the largest European trade associations in the detergents/cleansers, cosmetics and perfume industry. The trade association sees itself as a communication platform for experts from industry, universities and authorities.
SEPAWA e.V. facilitates a close exchange between science and practice, which leads to technical and economic progress.
SEPAWA e.V. is an autonomous and independent professional association with personal and corporate members.
Companies also have the option of becoming a supporting member.
The Specialist Groups
In order to represent all interests as an association and offer a broad platform for interdisciplinary networking,
five specialist groups and an integrated society have developed within SEPAWA e.V.
Professional cleaning and care (PRP)
The PRP specialist group focuses on cleaning. Care and disinfectants in the industrial and institutional sector. The main target groups are raw material manufacturers, formulators, test institutes and users. A special endeavor is the transfer of know-how from different industries and disciplines as well as the application reference. The spectrum ranges from basic topics to current developments and innovations. The specialist group cooperates with leading European universities and universities of applied sciences. A two-day conference has been held annually for the past 10 years, allowing participants from different countries to exchange ideas in a pleasant, personal atmosphere.
1st Chairman:
Prof. Dr. Ing. Tobias Kimmel
Tobias Potstada
Advisory Board:
Andreas Leismüller
Robert Kreische
Lea Kalz
Legislation – Environment – Consumer (LUV)
For a long time, the detergent industry focused on environmental issues, while the cosmetics sector concentrated on the effect of products on people. With the concept of sustainability, the entire value chain of the products, from the raw materials through their production and use to disposal, is now coming into focus.
The LUV specialist group informs SEPAWA e.V. members with workshops, specialist events, PR articles and reports on the homepage on current sustainability issues, taking into account sustainable consumption and legislative developments. In doing so, the specialist group relies on overarching cooperation with industry, authorities, academic research institutions and consumer organizations.
1st Chairman:
Dr. Cornelius Bessler
Stephanie Morris-Piou
Advisory Board International Activities:
Yash Parulekar
Cosmetic Applications and Technologies (CAT)
The Cosmetic Applications and Technologies specialist group provides its members with information on formulations, ingredients and cosmetic applications. The focus of the lectures and workshops is on application-related topics for practitioners and the exchange of ideas on current topics with experts. Whether it is the selection of ingredients or the correct formulation technique for cosmetics – all questions that play a role in this context are included. The events of the specialist group are always user-oriented, in that the latest trends are identified and creative ideas for implementation are developed. The specialist group events are aimed at experts from cosmetics companies in research and development as well as in the marketing sector.
1st Chairwoman:
Dr. Kristin Nessbach
2nd Chairwoman:
Sandra-Iris Spiegelberger
Christian Schmidt
Dr. Leslie Schlüter
Associate Members:
Ralf Kuschnereit
Carolin Hein
Henrik Petersen
Sopna Thill
Alina Maier
Nicola Kricsfalussy
The picture shows from top left:
Ralf Kuschnereit, Kristin Nessbach, Carolin Hein, Christian Schmidt, Henrik Petersen
Bottom row from left:
Sopna Thill, Sandra-Iris Spiegelberger, Alina Maier, Nicola Kricsfalussy, Leslie Schlüter
Raw Materials & Processes (R&P)
The Raw Materials & Processes specialist group organizes regular lectures on raw material-specific and overarching topics to which all SEPAWA e.V. members are invited. Factory tours are also on the program. These events stimulate technical discussions and provide important impetus for the exchange of information between the experts in the professional association.
The former SME specialist group with Dr. Thomas Herbrich as Chairman merged with the R&P specialist group.
Contact: rohstoffe&
1st Chairman:
Dr. Michael Sigloch
2nd Chairman:
Dr. Dietmar Hake
Kai Mann
Dr. Stefan Müller
Innovative Cleaning (IR)
Purity, cleanliness and hygiene are of great importance in our society. The Innovative Cleaning specialist group deals extensively with these aspects, starting with new raw materials, innovative applications of known raw materials, through to new types of machines and dosing systems. However, we also deal with very fundamental questions such as What is innovation?
The Innovative Cleaning specialist group demonstrates ways in which optimum cleaning can be achieved in fields where cleanliness and hygiene are essential. This includes the consumer sector as well as commercial and institutional applications.
The specialist group offers an interdisciplinary exchange of experience on all aspects of cleaning. We strive to cover all areas from basic research to practical applications and thus provide a wide-ranging insight.
1st Chairman:
Dr. Ralf Döring
2nd Chairman:
Thorsten Pohl
Marcus Mausberg
Adrian Zuberbühler
German Association of Perfumers in SEPAWA e.V. (DGP)
The DGP was founded in 1979 as a supra-regional association of perfumers and experts from fragrance companies and the corresponding industry. It has set itself the task of communicating the topic of fragrance as an emotional-aesthetic element to a broad public. Fragrances are quality of life and add sensory diversity to our everyday lives.
The DGP strengthens the profile of perfumery and offers professionals working in the industry a platform for the creative exchange of ideas. With specialist events, study trips and cooperation with other international perfumery societies, the DGP promotes important scientific and innovative activities in its sector.
At its annual symposium, the DGP awards a prize for outstanding scientific work in the field of perfumery.
Board of Directors:
1st Chairwoman: Dr. Maren Protzen
2nd Chairman: Jörg Zimmermann
Treasurer: Lars Schlüter
Secretary: Dr. Anneliese Wilsch-Irrgang
Advisory Board:
Daniela Knoop
Dirk Linder
Dr. Edison Diaz
Heike Hegmann
Manuela Materne
Rick Eipl
Sarah Ajuma Brajic
Silke Weyland
The Sections
The following sections belong to SEPAWA e.V. and
independently organize events whereby SEPAWA e.V. is internationally active.
Norden Section
The Norden section was founded in 1999 and currently has around 60 members.
The aim of the association is to communicate new application technology and scientific findings. The topics of sustainability and current legislative developments also play an important role.
To this end, the section regularly organizes seminars and lectures. In addition to further education and training, the section also cooperates with other organizations from the industry. A special feature and therefore a particular attraction of the Northern Section is the fact that its members and guests come from four different language regions.
1st Chairman:
Björn Englund
2nd Chairwoman:
Chatarina Schneider
Caroline Göransson
Johanna Karlsson
Kent Bjur
Benelux Section
The Benelux Section was founded in 1998 and currently has around 200 members.
The section sees itself as a marketplace for the exchange of information between the various companies in our industries. This includes raw material manufacturers, formulators, representatives of associations and authorities as well as NGOs and the trade.
The section organizes two lecture events each year, which are used intensively for the exchange of ideas. The section offers young colleagues from our industries the opportunity to establish a network of contacts at an early stage.
1st Chairman:
Jef Wittouck
Wim Van Drunen
Mark de Witte
Program Committee:
Lisa SligtingJelle Storme
Mariska Vredevoort
Section Austria
The Austrian section was founded in 1999 and currently has 130 members. It sees itself as a discussion platform for these members and interested experts. The section organizes annual lecture events with an interdisciplinary approach. The focus of the exchange of opinions is on topics that are important to SEPAWA e.V. for production, testing and marketing in the individual sectors. Current changes to legal requirements and ecological issues are a further focus. Factory tours round off the program. Young professionals are also welcome to acquire specialist expertise in this environment.
1st Chairman:
Benjamin Göllner
2nd Chairman:
Ing. Paul Perchtold
Christoph Brudl
Dr. Josef Lukasser
Scientific Advisors:
Dr. Michael Höfer
Florian Oldenburg
Section Switzerland
1st Chairman:
Rudolf Gitzi
The board of directors
Dr. Hans Jürgen Scholz
Dr. Erik Brückner
Holger Plate
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Lademann
The Executive Board is supported by advisory boards and the extended advisory board.
The advisory board
The heads of the specialist groups and the foreign sections form the SEPAWA e.V. Advisory Board together with the Executive Board.
It performs statutory tasks and appoints the Scientific Advisory Board, which has an advisory function.
the scientific advisory board
The Scientific Advisory Board has an advisory function.
The History
SEPAWA e.V. is a professional association with a long tradition whose history dates back to 1755.
Even back then, soap production required qualified expertise in order to turn fats and oils into skin-friendly bar soaps and pleasantly scented toilet soaps through the use of alkaline solutions.
To produce skin-friendly bar soaps and pleasantly scented toilet soaps.
The development of innovative synthetic washing raw materials, the use of new industrial manufacturing processes and the increasing importance of
increasing importance of environmental protection and sustainability were the dominant themes later on.
Formation of the first “Association of Soap Boilers and Perfumers” in Munich.
The nationally active “Association of Soap Boilers and Perfumers” is founded in Munich.
Another “Association of Soap Boilers and Perfumers” is founded in Berlin for the greater Berlin area.
Formation of the “Vereinigung der Seifensieder und Parfümeure e. V.” by merging the two associations.
The “Vereinigung der Seifensieder, Parfümeure und Waschmittelfachleute e. V.” (SEPAWA e.V. for short) is founded in Ludwigshafen am Rhein.
The annual SEPAWA CONGRESS is held in Bad Dürkheim.
The SEPAWA CONGRESS takes place for the first time in the Congress Centrum Würzburg.
The congress integrates the European Detergents Conference (EDC).
The SEPAWA CONGRESS takes place in Fulda for the first time. Steady international growth with over 1600 participants. The German Society for Scientific and Applied Cosmetics e.V. (DGK) presents its main topics for the first time
The “Forum for New Products” is added to the program. Here, companies can present their innovations and practical applications to potential customers and all congress participants in short presentations.
The SEPAWA CONGRESS moves to the ESTREL Congress Center in Berlin, doubling the total space for the exhibition and conference.