
Sepawa Congress Programm Vortragsprogramm

Lecture Program

New scientific discoveries and the latest product developments from the industry find their well-earned place in our lectures at the Scientific Conference and Forum for Innovations.

Sepawa Congress Programm Poster Tours und Awards

Poster Expositions

A special part of the SEPAWA CONGRESS is the scientific and application-oriented poster exhibitions in the categories of Home Care, Personal Care, Fragrance Fundamental Research and Sustainability.

Sepawa Congress Programm After Event

After Event

Enjoy fantastic cuisine from our top chefs and top entertainment at our popular after event.

Sepawa Congress Programm get together

Get Together

A relaxed gathering with old acquaintances and new contacts at the Get-Together of the SEPAWA CONGRESS in Berlin.

Lecture program

Sepawa Congress Programm Logo European Detergents Conference

European Detergents Conference

“The Science behind the Clean”

Sepawa Congress Programm Logo CSC

Cosmetic Science Conference

“Cosmetic Meets Science – Sustainable Cosmetics and Interdisciplinary Research: Chemistry, AI, Environmental Science”

Sepawa Congress Programm Logo Sepawa Conference

SEPAWA Conference

This year too, together with the specialist groups, we have selected interesting and many new topics.
Browse through the program and be inspired.

Poster Expositions

Sepawa Congress Programm Posterausstellung

Poster Expositions

Find posters for the conferences here:

  • Cosmetic Science Conference
  • European Detergents Conference
  • Scientific Conference
  • Forum for Innovation
Sepawa Congress Programm Poster Tours und Awards

Poster Tours & Awards

Meet the Poster Presenters for more information and attend the EDC Poster Award Session.

More events

Sepawa Congress Programm Ausstellung


In the exhibition area, more than 300 companies present the latest products, trends, and versatile know-how.

Sepawa Congress Programm Logo Sepawa Conference

Annual General Meeting of SEPAWA e.V.

For ordinary, corporative and sustaining members of SEPAWA e.V.

Sepawa Congress Programm Absolvententreffen Der TKW


For graduates and students of “Cosmetic and Detergent Technology”